BULLFROG – “Beggars & Losers” CD ’09 (Andromeda Relix, Ita) – Is it fair for me to review albums like this? I mean, maybe to give proper perspective I should get my dad to do it. Then again, what would his review sound like…hmm…not sure exactly, but I can most assuredly promise you it would include the phrases “bunch of longhairs,” “all hopped-up on dope” and “they were banging my ears for an hour.” No, I’ll go ahead and do it even though all you have to do is mention the words “70’s hard rock” and I’m there, salivating like Pavlov’s Dog on the day The Bell Store had a big sale. Right from the git-go, I like the looks of this puppy. Talk about an eye-catching cover! Jesus Christ, you’d have to be a colour-blind man in a black & white TV factory not to be wowed by the artwork here. And tell you what, a gigantic frog with devil horns comes my way clutching a Les Paul & a bass, I’m gonna take notice. Open the gorgeous digipak, slide in the disc and baby, you’re in hard rawk heaven. Apparently BULLFROG’s 3rd full lengther, they really let it be the charm as there’s nary a bummer to be found among the 11 cuts here. Opening with “Over Again,” this trio (Silvano Zago – guitars; Francesco Dalla Riva – bass, vox; Michele Dalla Riva – drums) sounds like Humble Pie crossed with maybe some killer obscure southern hard rock dudes like Two Guns (especially in the vocal dept.) These boys aren’t afraid to dollop on the dynamics. Check out the way Zago comes charging out of the mellow interlude in this cut, right into a paint peeling solo. Yeah man. Lotsa barn-burning riffers to choose from here, but my faves have gotta be the smoking “On Through The Night” (not Def Leppard!), the HPie/Doobies hybrid of “Keep Me Smile” or the true Suddern guitar blowout of “Poor Man Cry.” This is good stuff and the CD even looks like a record. No Losers Here
DOOMRAISER – “Erasing The Remembrance” CD ’09 (Blood Rock, Ita) – When this disc came tumbling out of the envelope I received awhile back from Italy’s Black Widow Records, I have to admit, it was my first time crossing paths with DOOMRAISER. That being said, I did a little research and found that, at least at one point, the band was considered to be on the “humor” side of doom, with a penchant for lyrics and image that celebrated massive alcohol consumption over a lot of other things. It seems that between then & now, this 5-piece bunch has decided to take their craft a lot more seriously as this is good straight-ahead doom metal. Besides a healthy dose of allegiance to the likes of luminaries like, natch, The Sabs, Vitus, Candlemass, etc. there is also an added nod to Swiss pummelers Celtic Frost. Grab an earhold on the death grunts & sledgehammer rhythms in “The Raven” to see what I mean. Elsewhere, these guys are not ones to rush thru anything with 3 of the 7 tracks topping the ten minute mark. The quality of the tunes does, for the most part, justify their length and anyone into solid doom metal, especially of the Maryland variety (go Terps!?) will dig this. A Nice Italian Job
Hey Brother, nothing wrong with heavy drinkin' doom...anyway, carry on with that inspirational work, mate...you are my mentor...
Hey Sascha, you heard the debut ARGUS yet? Now that's some dual lead, massive doom-inflected metal!
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