RESURRECTURIS – “Non Voglio Morire” CD ’09 (Casket, Ita) – The very reception of music at a zine/blog these days takes on a lot different tenor than it used to. Way back a spell, it used to be that 90% of what fell out of the Realm mail box was something of a mystery, unknown and untested until I pulled it out of the brown package and either shoved it in the CD player or (further back still) slapped it on the turntable. In these current times, you can flip that percentage right around the other way and rest assured that 90% of what I take out of the post is generally anticlimactic. Reason being, with the net there isn’t a whole lot that I haven’t at least heard part or all of by the time the physical medium reaches my door. Now, don’t get me wrong, I want the physical disc/vinyl…NEED the actual album in my hand. It’s just the way I roll, being an old fart. The truth remains however, that it’s quite uncommon to take a CD out of the mail and not know a damn thing about it prior. Italy’s RESURRECTURIS is one that managed to find itself in that category. When I slid this in it was a new one on me. Never heard of the band, never heard of the album and thus, just like the old days, I was going in blind when I popped it in. Now, it would it would be impossible for me to say that the music on “Non Voglio Morire” stands up to the wrapping. Seriously, something would have to be the 2nd coming of “Reign In Blood” to match the lavish package complete with huge digipak, booklet and DVD. What RESURRECTURIS is, however, is quite good thrash (often bordering on death) metal with a couple twists. To be honest, while songs like “The Origin” and “Fuck Face” hold their own with the recent offerings of Kreator and Exodus, it’s the left turns these guys take that make them most interesting. The electronica-intro of “The Artist” and the surprisingly melodic and tuneful ballad “Calling Our Names” offer some real nice dynamics. It’s these unexpected diversions that make “Non Voglio…” stand out, at least for those moments, from the pack and indicate a cool palette of influence from main man Carlo Strappa. Here’s hoping it’s something he pursues even more on future works.
A Good Italian Job(Note: The DVD features a video for the song “The Fracture.” It’s ok but I think more coulda been done with this. The band seem intent on looking pissed and, let's face it, Pantera established a reference standard on that a long time ago. And that's not meant as any knock on Dime (R.I.P.) and crew (utter Gods), nor these guys for that matter. Just that when you're going to include a special video medium, make it something really special!)
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