To this day, HEATHEN is my favourite thrash metal band ever. Their ability to concoct ripping, killing riffs and strap them to intricate & memorable songwriting, face-melting lead guitar and throaty vocals that veer smoothly between NWOBHM-styled melody and gruffer aggression puts them in an elite level. The problem was, after 1991’s “Victim…,” they kinda went the way of the Edsel. I knew they’d reformed in some form or fashion in the early oughties but the only “new” material was some sorta recording of old stuff & with Altus’ permanent involvement in Exodus, I figured the Goblin’s Blade would never swing again. I was wrong. And motherfriggin’ how! Some 19 years on, HEATHEN has issued their 3rd album, “Evolution Of Chaos” and brother, it brings a tear of pride to my eye that I once had a magazine called Chaos after hearing this bitch! Let’s be plain about all this, shall we? The new HEATHEN album completely kicks ass. From beginning to end, Altus and new 6-string partner in crime Kragen Lum (Doug Piercy has been gone a long while) plant hacking thrash riffs everywhere like tank treads on your face. And that doesn’t even begin to get into the kind of lead guitar fury they unleash everywhere, shards of Bay Area axe death raining down in a sonic torrent. Are the songs long? Hell yeah, they probably average 7 minutes in length, with “No Stone Unturned” topping the 11 minute mark. Unlike some bands who trod that “proggy-thash” path, however, this crew makes every downstroke, every plundering riff worth it’s weight in gold. Add to that the vocals of David White, which have only gotten better and more emotional over the years and you’ve got an album that makes me feel like going out and knocking a couple poseurs (remember that word, old school people?!) around. The loud, semi-dry production is just what the doctor ordered as well, making it sound like this age-wizened bunch have dragged their Marshalls right into your living room.
Bottom line is this. HEATHEN kicks ass, pure and simple and with their 3rd album have succeeded in making themselves nothing short of a metal “legend.” That Lee guy sure as hell knew what he was talking about! Chaos Realm
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