RELEASE – “A Requiem For The World” 1984 (Private, Denmark) – While probably the most well-known Danish metal export of 1984 was Mercyful Fate’s “Don’t Break The Oath,” the nation also produced several top-notch but obscure rippers that year. One, of course, is that dark and dastardly LP by Wasted, “Halloween…The Night Of….” Another is this very private, very primitive-looking (see inset) release by…RELEASE (Ok, I’m a smart-ass). My best description of “A Requiem…” would be a more hard-rock-based version of Pretty Maids’ “Red, Hot & Heavy” LP. Like that record, this one has nothing complicated, just lots of damn good riffs and one of those gut-level type singers, namely Charlie (that’s all they list!) who also reminds me of the dude in Bodine. Coupled with that are some rhythms that give a late ‘70’s hard rock vibe to cuts like the swaggering “Ghetto Child.” For the real gems, however, check out “You Don’t Care No More,” “Valley Of Witchcraft” and “The Damned Lake,” 6-7 minute epics that still never get too complicated for themselves. Some nice Schenker-ish lead axe work dominates the proceedings in these. Oh, and listen to “Killer Rabbit!” Hilarious!
Dead But Not Forgotten
In 2012 this gen has finally seen an adequate reissue on Greek No Remorse Records. Just ordered it.
Btw mine says 1989
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