SUPERCHIEF – “Rock Music” CD EP ’09 (TFTC, US) – “Rock Music.” Me thinkin’ you’ve gotta have some pretty serious stones to call your record that. Let me see…Zep? A song called “Rock & Roll,” but no album called “Rock Music.” Stones? Well, it is only rock & roll and they liked it, but no “R.M.” in their discography. But you know what? While I’m not ready to anoint Iowa’s SC into either of those leagues, they’ve done a damn nice job of raising such a lofty flag. “Georgia Trucker Fun” gets things crankin’ right away with some mid-paced riffs that scream more ‘70’s than “stoner.” Hell, I can just imagine The Great Fatsby smiling at this one, Ricc Terranova’s wah-wah leads the perfect foil for JT Strang’s truck stop roar. “Sweat” opens with an open-chord march, almost as if Kashmir suddenly relocated south of the Mason-Dixon. It’s here you see these cats are more than a one trick pony. With “Amen,” Da CHIEF adopt the time-honored dynamics of Bourge / Iommi with a short acoustic segue before blasting into another seething boiler. “Rock N’ Roll Living” is like a Kentucky (make that Iowa) Fried “Starstruck” before “Bus Ride Messiah” brings it on home. This one takes the SC rock taffy and pulls it out over 6 minutes into a heavy psych landscape with a lyrical twist and sinuous leads from Terranova. Five songs, not a minute wasted and your butt kicked to boot. Sounds like “Rock Music” to me.
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